Sunday 16 June 2013


"A portrait of my child once a week, every week, in 2013."

Because this day is for the dads, a couple pictures of J and his daddy's girl checking the freshly cut hay. 

Happy Father's Day J... you blow me away daily with your tender heart and love for our daughter. She is a very lucky girl to be able to call you her Daddy. 

Linking up with Jodi.

And because I can't let this day pass without acknowledging my Dad. The man who set the highest standards for dads everywhere. He has been gone for over 18 months now but it honestly feels like just yesterday that we lost him. The second year seems harder than the first... It's like your just supposed to carry on with life like normal. Except its not. Dad is still gone. It will never be normal. 

Miss you so so so much Daddy. Today, tomorrow, forever & always.

Happy Father's Day. 

1 comment:

  1. Lovely picture Cait. Your picture with dad brought me tears. I cannot imagine life without either of my parents, their place is irreplaceable.


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