Thursday 1 August 2013

those mama wars.

Today, I have officially been a working mama for 3 months. I'm half way through a 6 month contract and I have to say... I'm kinda loving it.

I thought I would feel guilty, dropping T at daycare everyday, skipping off to work and leaving someone else to "raise" my daughter. I though I would feel sad, missing out on all the everyday little milestones that we had experienced when I was home all the time.

But I don't.

(Well, maybe a teeny bit, sometimes.)

Sometimes, as mothers, I feel like we get all caught up in the "mommy wars." You know, the war that has spawned such battles as formula feeding vs. breast feeding, cloth vs. disposable diapers, working vs. stay at home mom. These battles leave us feeling inadequate in one respect or another depending on our choice. They make you question every move you make since the moment your newborn is placed in your arms, and, in my opinion, take a little bit of the joy out of motherhood. All of this guilt and judgement comes from those women that are meant to be our allies in this whole wild journey of parenting.

Honestly, I don't have an opinion one way or another on how someone else should raise their baby. As parents, we have an obligation and a responsibility to do our absolute best every second of every day for our kids (and if that means feeding them a bottle of formula, go for it.) Some days my laundry is done, my house is tidy, there is something delicious simmering in the crock pot while I am at work and my kid and I laugh, giggle and enjoy every second we get together.

And other days.. well, the house is an absolute disaster, my kid freaks out at every. little. thing. and we have cereal for dinner.

This post is a little disjointed, a little rambly (and a whole lot soap box-y).

I am so thankful I got 17 months at home with my beautiful girl, to soak up every second of baby goodness I could. I realize how lucky I am to live in a country where an entire year of maternity leave is available.

But I am really enjoying being back at work. Making my own money. And using a different part of my brain.

And it makes every second I get with T that much sweeter.

1 comment:

  1. REEALLY well said! Life is what you make it not what other people say you should.


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