Wednesday 19 September 2012

A Letter to Baby Girl.

Dear T,

How did I get so lucky? You have brightened my life and make everything seem shiny and new! Your sassy personality makes your Daddy and I laugh on a daily basis. You are always on the move, and hate to be sitting still, or confined. Which is great! Because we lead a pretty busy and active lifestyle and I know your going to embrace it with both little chubby arms and thrive!

goober face

Im not sure how much you weigh at this point in your life (Just over 9.5 months) since we aren't visiting the doctor until the end of the month but your healthy and happy, and really long! 12 month pants are almost too short! You have inherited your father's skinny chicken legs, square jawline, and independent "I can do anything!" attitude. From me, your big blue eyes and monkey like limbs. From both of us, your love and compassion for animals. 

pure love

Your crawl can best be described as a gorilla crawl... you keep one leg tucked underneath you and the other swings around and pushes you forward. Its kinda hilarious, and a little uncoordinated, but you always get where you need to go pretty quickly, especially when its not where your supposed to be i.e. the dogs water dish. You are starting to pull yourself up on various objects but your balance isn't too hot yet so I'm thinking we are still a ways off from walking.

on the move, always. 

You babble CONSTANTLY. Its pretty cute, and I always know here you are (as if I am not always with you!). No actual words yet though. (I'm not gonna count mama, dada, nana etc as words until you distinctly say it to someone.) Your newest trick is "dancing". When you hear music you start bopping up and down. Its hilarious, and you already have more rhythm than your mom and dad combined. 

You have 4 teeth so far; 2 on the bottom and your fangs up top. I have a feeling your middle teeth up top will be making an appearance any day now since you are drooling through a billion bibs a day and your appetite isn't up to its normal insatiable, eat anything I put in front of you standards. 

one of your favourite times of day; milking!

Things you love: Kodiak & Yukon, feeding calves with Nana, being outside in general, your GeeGee, your tag blanket, macaroni noodles with cheese, bath time, splashing in and dumping the dogs water bowl everywhere.

Things you can't stand: being cuddled (sometimes I just need a snuggle, kay?), Mum Mums, peas, the pack n' play, when I don't let you splash and dump the dogs water bowl. 

trying on new toques for the winter ahead

Baby girl. I love you with all my heart, and then some. I can't wait to see whats ahead. The last 9.5 months have been life changing, exciting, overwhelming and so, SO rewarding. And its just the beginning! 


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